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3 Features and Benefits of VoIP You Need to Know About

3 Features and Benefits of VoIP You Need to Know About

July 10, 2023

Does your business still use the traditional landline telephone infrastructure that is known to cause a lot of overcomplications with your communications? If so, VoIP could give you the break you need and the opportunity to push past the limitations of your old communications technology. With a cloud-hosted VoIP solution, your business can not only survive…it can thrive!

Greater Cost Savings

VoIP is a great way to cut costs that your business doesn’t need in its budget. A great example is working with a traditional telephone company for your standard landline hookups. These providers tend to include services that your business doesn’t really want or need, in addition to the service you actually need. VoIP lets you get around this by using your Internet connection to fuel your telephone solution. You likely already have all the necessary hardware for a VoIP solution too, as it will use your existing desktop, laptop, or smartphone in conjunction with the VoIP software application. If you’d rather have traditional handsets, you can purchase those as well, but they are certainly not necessary.

Enhanced Scalability

As your business grows, so too will its telephony requirements. The same telephone system you set up when you first started business will not be able to keep up with your growth for long. You might have to knock down some walls, run new telephone lines, or more just to keep up. All of this could disrupt other parts of your business. With VoIP, though, you just add a new user and download an application; as long as your Internet connection is up to speed, you won’t have any problems adding new users, accounts, or telephone numbers. It makes for a truly easy growing experience for your business.

More Flexibility and Mobility

When you implement VoIP, you’re not just installing an on-prem system that is limited to within your office walls. You’re essentially giving yourself and your staff a mobile communication platform that works from anywhere. VoIP gives your team the flexibility and mobility to conduct business with a relative sense of normalcy from anywhere, provided they have access to the Internet. Furthermore, customers will enjoy having your team be more accessible than ever for the purposes of support.

Let Us Help You Implement VoIP

If you’re ready to add VoIP to the list of solutions that your company uses to outdo its competition, be sure to contact First Column IT. We can help you implement any tools you need to run your business at its maximum potential. Call us today at (571) 470-5594 to learn more.

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