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A Digital Detox Might Be Just What You Need

A Digital Detox Might Be Just What You Need

October 9, 2023

You and your employees are likely exhausted from dealing with technology day in and day out. Even if it is what allows businesses to flourish, you still might want some time away from it from time to time. When it feels like too much, know that a digital detox can be a valid way of temporarily moving away from technology—even in the workplace.

What is a Digital Detox?

The literal definition of “detoxification” or “detox” is to remove the negative, or toxic, elements from your life. This might come in the form of influences, qualities, or even other people in some cases. In this context, however, we are discussing a digital detox, so we are looking at taking a break from electronic devices that have essentially taken over our society and mold our everyday experiences.

There are several reasons why a digital detox might be beneficial, and the lengths of these detoxes will vary accordingly. Some might choose to take a break from their smartphone for the weekend, recharging their own batteries before a busy work week forces them to keep their eyes glued to screens for another 40 hours. Others might use it as a chance to remove themselves from social media. Others still might cut social media out entirely and delete accounts, choosing instead to focus on their own current situation rather than that of others around them.

For a workplace, a digital detox looks like resecuring a work/life balance, particularly if you find yourself checking email even after you’ve gone home for the day, or if you find social media is eating away at you during your time in the office. There are plenty of benefits to gain from a digital detox, including:

  • Improved sense of calm
  • Improved sleep and sleep quality
  • Improved focus
  • Improved productivity
  • Improved creativity
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Improved health

How to Implement a Digital Detox

Use a Strategy

Technology is so embedded in life that it’s going to take some careful strategy to disconnect, and disconnect effectively. Identify your problematic technologies and think about how you can disconnect from them in ways that won’t disrupt your work or create bigger problems.

Let Goals Guide You

With a strategy in place, you need to identify goals to help you isolate the problems you’re experiencing from the technology and address them. For example, if you are spending time on work-related tasks at home, like responding to emails late at night, you could impose a limit on yourself to only check email during the workday. Try that for a while and see if it sticks.

Share with Others

It’s easier to stick to goals if you tell other people around you and garner their support. For example, you don’t want to find yourself taking on responsibilities that are directly in contrast to your chosen goals. If you involve others in your plans, or at least make them aware of it, they will at least know what you are trying to do and think twice before asking you to do something that is not in line with your goals.

Adjust as Needed

If you want your detox to succeed, you’ll have to make changes to it in response to the elements that will no doubt emerge to get in your way. It’s important that you don’t revert to your past behaviors, so consider how you can make the change permanent—or, if it was never meant to be permanent, consider how you can gradually reintroduce things in a healthy, sustainable way.

For All Your Technology Needs, We’re Here to Help

The unfortunate truth of the matter is that technology is critical for businesses and the workplace, and there is no way to escape it entirely. What you can do, however, is make using it easier with managed IT services so you don’t have to worry so much about it. Limit the stress you feel about technology by giving us a call at (571) 470-5594 today.

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