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Ask a Tech: Get More Out of Your Bandwidth

Ask a Tech: Get More Out of Your Bandwidth

July 5, 2023

Your business’ bandwidth could reference a couple of different parts of your IT infrastructure, with the most notable being your network bandwidth and your Internet bandwidth. Today, we want to focus on demystifying your network bandwidth by answering all of the frequently asked questions you might have on the topic.

How Bandwidth is Defined

Bandwidth is the maximum data transfer rate for your network or Internet connection, and it governs the amount of data that can be transferred at any individual moment. Bandwidth can be applied to both your network and your Internet, but it means different things for both.

How Bandwidth is Measured

Bandwidth is measured in bits per second, or bps, with other units being kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), and gigabits per second (Gbps). 

How Much Bandwidth You Need

Unfortunately, we cannot prescribe a definite amount of bandwidth for all businesses, as all businesses will have differing needs. You’ll want to do some research and analysis into your own network’s needs to determine the most appropriate amount for you. You’ll need different amounts of bandwidth based on your company's level of staffing, types of devices used, the various services utilized, Internet needs, and other factors.

If you need an answer right now, though, we would recommend that you have enough bandwidth to support your company’s operations at a maximum amount of efficiency with minimal downtime. If you need help determining this level, you can make use of a network audit from COMPANYNAME.

How to Increase Your Bandwidth

Increasing your bandwidth is something that requires two very different processes, depending on which network you are trying to improve. For example, improving your network bandwidth might involve switching out hardware to allow for greater data transfer. This could include acquiring better cables, switches, and routers to transfer data. It might also include hard-writing a connection rather than relying on a wireless one. You might also consider locating inefficiencies in your network to shore them up, like bottlenecks.

Your Internet connection is another process entirely, though, and you’ll be reliant on your Internet service provider for any improvements. You might be able to make some progress through different routers and switches, but getting the most out of your Internet connection will likely require a call to your ISP. Of course, calling us doesn’t hurt either; we can help you make better decisions about investing your funds into technology!

First Column IT can help you improve your networking practices to make the most of your bandwidth. To learn more, call us at (571) 470-5594.

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