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Be Proactive with Your Technology to Prevent Problems Altogether

Be Proactive with Your Technology to Prevent Problems Altogether

June 30, 2023

If your business could go about its daily tasks without having to worry about technology, you would find yourself suddenly much more productive and efficient. Think of all the time and money you could save by not reacting to technology problems. With the right tools and approaches, your company can make great strides toward a more proactive technology management model.

Ensure Maintenance is Proactive and Proper

The biggest way to save yourself a lot of headaches with your IT is to make sure your maintenance is being done before your technology has a chance to break down. With the right combination of attention and action, you can say goodbye to stressful IT situations.

Implement Patches and Updates

Your hardware and software will only be pristine for so long, and developers will eventually need to release fixes for the various flaws and issues that might crop up over time. You should be implementing these as they are released, but it’s difficult to keep up with this if you don’t have someone managing this responsibility. You can remotely deploy these patches and updates using a remote patching solution from COMPANYNAME, for example, and save loads of time and effort for other parts of your business.

Monitor and Manage Your Infrastructure

If you keep an eye on your network, you might be able to avoid downtime, along with other metrics that could help you get the most out of your technology. You can address issues before they cause major problems, and these metrics can even be considered when you make important decisions for your organization. Proper monitoring and management can help you mitigate downtime, keep tabs on account access, and look for failings in the vital signs of your technology.

Secure Your Network

Security is one thing that your business should never compromise on, especially when so much is on the line with your data. If you aren't protecting your infrastructure, you’re asking for trouble, period. A unified threat management tool is a necessity, and it’s a great way to get all of the security solutions you need in one package: a firewall, antivirus, spam blocker, and content filter.

You can supplement your security infrastructure with additional measures, like multi-factor authentication, password management, and virtual private networks. You should also be sure to train your team on the importance of network security.

Call Us To Get Started

First Column IT can help your business keep up with its technology management, maintenance, and monitoring. We’ll give your business the hands-off approach to technology that lets you stay focused on what matters most: running your company as efficiently as possible. Get started by calling us today at (571) 470-5594.

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