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Disaster Recovery as a Service Helps Businesses Stay Afloat

Disaster Recovery as a Service Helps Businesses Stay Afloat

October 4, 2023

Data and technology drive modern business, and as such, data backup and disaster recovery are crucial to the continued success of any organization. There is so much at risk that it would be counterproductive to ignore these unforeseen disasters. Disaster Recovery as a Service, or DRaaS, is an effective way to combat the omnipresent threat of data loss.

Explaining Disaster Recovery as a Service

DRaaS is a cloud-based solution that offers businesses comprehensive and cost-effective ways to recover data lost during a disaster. It’s an ideal system as it restores data with minimal downtime and data loss, allowing businesses to stay afloat even with the odds stacked against them.

How DRaaS Works

DRaaS works because of one critical factor: your data and systems are replicated in real time in a secure, off-site cloud environment. For those who might not know the technical jargon, let’s go into greater detail:

  • Assessment and planning: First, you’ll conduct an assessment of your business’ specific needs. During this period, you’ll determine your important applications, data, and recovery time objective (or how long it takes to get back to operational status).
  • Data replication: During the backup process, your data will be mirrored to the DRaaS provider’s server. From there, it will be up to date and ready to be restored when you suffer a disaster.
  • Automated response: DRaaS does not require a manual deployment; it will automatically switch your operations to the replicated systems to accommodate the change and keep your operations in check. This reduces downtime and keeps your business functioning when it normally wouldn’t.
  • Testing and monitoring: To make sure your DR plan works when you need it most, DRaaS providers will offer regular testing that not only validates the recovery processes, but also does so with minimal disruption.
  • Recovery: Once your systems are back online, and the disaster has ended, you’ll begin to move your data back to your primary infrastructure—a process which is seamless.

The Benefits of DRaaS

As you might imagine, the benefits of DRaaS are many. Here are some of them:

  • Significantly reduced downtime: DRaaS keeps downtime to a minimum by constantly keeping you connected to your data in a cloud environment.
  • Cost efficiency: You might invest considerably into a traditional disaster recovery solution, but DRaaS is more accessible and affordable thanks to being offered by a provider rather than your business purchasing it outright.
  • Simplicity: When you manage a DR plan on your infrastructure, it can be difficult to manage on your own due to its complexity and resource-intensive nature. DRaaS removes this responsibility from your shoulders and affords you more time to focus on your business.
  • Security: Security is at the top of our minds, and we will keep your data safely hosted in our data centers.

Let Us Give You a Hand

First Column IT can help your business implement a DRaaS solution that meets your business’ needs. To learn more, call us at (571) 470-5594.

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