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Encryption is Critical to the Success of Any Business

Encryption is Critical to the Success of Any Business

June 9, 2023

In today’s world of flexible working environments and conditions, you want to be intentional with how you share and distribute access to your company’s data. You’ll need to ensure that you are not accidentally putting your data in harm’s way due to outdated and insecure data retrieval policies and procedures.

When you stop to think about just how much data flows between your office and your remote employees, you might start to question the security of all the networks used by your employees. It’s surely not as secure as your company’s in-house network, but what do you do about it? You need to invest in your company’s data security needs and ensure that nobody is accessing data on an unsecured network, but how do you do this for dozens upon dozens of remote locations?

The answer lies in encryption. Encryption technology has been helping companies send and receive secured data for years, and the security of this data transmission is staggering in comparison to unencrypted networks. So important is encryption that many technology companies are building it right into their products, making it more accessible as a result. How can your business implement encryption to improve data security?

Explaining How Encryption Works

The easiest way to explain encryption is that it scrambles data to make sure that nobody is accessing, stealing, or observing it while it’s moving from one location to the next. Once the data is received at its destination, it is reassembled using a decryption key found on the receiver’s end. This allows for the safe and secure transmission of data.

How a Remote Workforce Benefits from Encryption

If your team doesn’t operate from one single location, you’ll have to be particularly careful with sending and receiving data from their locations. You can’t control several Internet connections and home networks, but you can control the way that data is transmitted. Encryption is vital to keeping your data safe while it’s being sent all over the place, like in the previously mentioned scenario.

There are standalone encryption tools, but you’re better off going with an all-encompassing enterprise-grade virtual private network. With the right VPN, you’ll be able to safely send and receive data, and the encryption will make it much harder for hackers to have their way with your business.

Contact Us to Learn More

Data security is critically important for your business, so don’t leave anything up to chance. Get started with a VPN today by contacting us at (571) 470-5594.

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