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Here Are Some Desk Exercises to Keep You Healthy at Work

Here Are Some Desk Exercises to Keep You Healthy at Work

September 15, 2023

While sitting all day might sound appealing at first glance (after all, who doesn’t like sitting?), it’s not something that our bodies are designed to do. Sitting, as a result, can have considerable negative consequences on our overall health when done in excess. It doesn’t have to be hard to fit a workout into your day, though; you can do these simple desk-ercises right from your office to combat the creep of becoming too sedentary. 

How to Keep Your Core Strong

Your core—the strength of your abdomen, back, and pelvis—is paramount to your short-term comfort and long-term health, especially if you work a desk job. There are, however, some exercises you can use to build core strength while at your desk. Here are just a few of them:

  • Seated Leg Lifts
  • Seated Twists
  • Pelvic Tilts
  • Ab Squeezes

How to Fit In Some Stretching

Stretching can also help you bear with the hours and hours of sedentary work while at the office. You can relieve your muscles and some of the exhaustion that comes from the fine motor skills needed to maintain typing. Here are some of the proactive stretching exercises you can use from your desk:

  • Neck Rolls
  • Wrist Rotations
  • Shoulder Stretches

How to Do Cardio, Even While Seated

These might get you some odd looks from your colleagues, but if you can increase your heart rate, you’ll boost your energy by getting more fresh oxygen into your brain. Instead of working yourself up with a jog or run on the clock, try some of these alternatives:

  • Seated Jumping Jacks
  • Desk Push-Ups
  • Marching in Place

How to Work Your Legs

Your legs should also need attention, as sitting for hours and hours will deplete their strength if you don’t take action. Here are some of the measures you can take to ensure that you maintain strength and circulation in your legs:

  • Ankle Circles
  • Seated Leg Extensions
  • Calf Raises

Your Health Will Make the Workplace a Better Place

If you make your health a priority, you’ll be investing in the future of your business. Encouraging your employees to do the same will also help. To learn more about how you can invest in a different way—like technology solutions—reach out to us at (571) 470-5594.

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