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Internet of Things Security: Important for Home and Business Networks

Internet of Things Security: Important for Home and Business Networks

May 8, 2023

The Internet of Things is pervasive in the way that many devices which you might not expect to be connected are, in fact, connected to the Internet. Smart speakers, smartphones, smart appliances, you name it, could potentially be a security threat if left unchecked. This doesn’t just go for businesses, either; even consumer smart devices could leave users vulnerable.

Why is the Internet of Things So Vulnerable?

The IoT is insecure, and this fact comes from several contributing factors. For one, smart devices have forced manufacturers into a position where they have to get a lot of devices into the hands of consumers, leading them to cut corners on built-in security functionality. Another reason is that people simply don’t realize just how insecure the devices are, which in turn means that the consumers are not doing enough on the network side of things to keep these devices from creating problems.

Make no mistake, smart devices are helpful, but they are also a security professional’s worst nightmare. If left unchecked, even benign devices can become problematic in the hands of a hacker—and that’s before we even get to the privacy concerns that come from hacked webcams, hacked lighting and heating systems, or even hacked account information connected to these devices. In large numbers, IoT devices can be turned into a botnet, which is a collective body of hacked devices that can launch large-scale attacks against other individuals or organizations. Truly scary stuff.

How You Can Secure Your At-Home IoT Network

You should know that there is quite a lot at stake with your network, but there are ways to keep your devices safe. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Secure your router: Securing your router will impact other areas of security for your network, including your IoT devices. If you change your SSID and password, you’ll be well ahead of others in wireless network security.
  • Use a guest network: If you want to make sure your IoT devices aren’t causing any grief for your main network, you can set up a guest network for them.
  • Change individual device passwords: While this might take a while, it’s well worth the extra security you get from making sure each password is updated regularly.
  • Make those passwords complex and unique: The same can be said for using complex passwords; it might be a hassle, but it’s remarkably important for security purposes. You can use upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols to get the most out of your secure passwords.
  • Use two-factor authentication: Multi-factor authentication is also a wonderful way to get more security for your IoT devices, and it can make a big difference.

We recommend that you pay attention to IoT devices on your network, as letting them fly under the radar could become a problem in the face of hacking attacks. To make sure this doesn’t spell trouble for your business, call us today at (571) 470-5594.

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