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The Right Technology Keeps Your Business’ Remote Employees Engaged

The Right Technology Keeps Your Business’ Remote Employees Engaged

December 29, 2023

We like to espouse the value of a trained and engaged remote workforce, but there is a lot that goes into ensuring that your remote team has the tools and resources they need to be successful. Let’s discuss some of the ways your business can build a remote workforce and company culture that not only encourages remote employees, but helps them thrive as well.

The Idea of Remote Work and Disconnection

It’s one thing to go to the office and see your coworkers every day, but it’s another thing entirely when you spend the day on the other side of a screen. Employees can become disengaged when they feel like they are not connected to their workplace or coworkers. A study from December 2021 indicated that only a quarter of hybrid or remote employees felt connected to the mission of their company, and another study conducted in 2023 indicated that nearly half of the employees found that the greatest challenge of remote work came from the loss of workplace community.

How Do You Address This Issue?

First, You Need to Strategize with Your Remote Team

Company culture is something that is built in the office, typically, making bridging the gap for your remote workers somewhat of a challenge. How do you keep your remote workers actively engaged and involved with your business, even if they aren’t in the office?

If you take some time to identify opportunities for them to get involved, you can make better efforts to do so. Take a moment to ask your team members what it would take to get them involved, and ensure they know and feel like they are valued employees of your organization. If you don’t do this, there is a very real chance they will take their skills elsewhere.

Second, You Build a Better Remote Work Infrastructure

There are many tools you can use to help bridge the gap between in-house employees and your remote team, and it just so happens that these technology solutions are also quite effective at improving productivity and efficiency. The cloud allows your team to collaborate on projects while also helping them stay connected to others, even while out of the office.

To learn more about how the right technology can make an impact on your business’ company culture (especially for your remote team), reach out to us at (571) 470-5594.

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